Parastate — node setup

3 min readJun 6, 2021


Only 10 people got into the validators in first month of testnet, and I am one of them. In connection with this, I decided to write detailed instructions for installing the node.

First you need a server. I recommend renting a VPS server, as it will provide you with 24/7 work. However, no one forbids you to configure a node on your computer.

  1. System requirements
    We need a server with the following characteristics:
    2 CPU
    8 GB RAM
    500 GB SSD
    I started the server at

2. Updating server

Please connect via terminal (I prefer putty) to your server and put there following commands:

apt updateapt install -y \
software-properties-common \
wget \
cmake \
ninja-build \
curl \
git \
libboost-all-dev \
llvm-dev \
liblld-10-dev \

3. Installing node js

curl -sL | bashapt install -y nodejs

4. Installing yarn

curl -sS | apt-key add -echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.listapt update && apt install -y yarn

5. Installing rust

curl -sSf | sh -s -- -ysource $HOME/.cargo/envrustup update nightly && rustup update stablerustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly

6. Expose ports

ufw allow 30333ufw allow 9933ufw allow 9944

If ports configuration is successful, you should see in terminal
“Rules updated”

7. Create your keys

In this step you should create you own keys, that you will use in future. Please save it in safe place. I prefer to keep them in txt file.

7.1 Install subkey tool

curl -sSf | bash -s -- --fastcargo install --force subkey --git --version 2.0.1 --locked

After successful installation you should see:

7.2 Generate a mnemonic and see the sr25519 key and address

Then you should generate keys with following command:

subkey generate --scheme sr25519

7.3 Use the same mnemonic to see ed25519 key and address

to get ed25519 key and address you should use this command, and change “<Your Mnemonic>” to your mnemoinc, that you just generated

subkey inspect --scheme ed25519 "<Your Mnemonic>"

You should see something like this:

8. Run a node

To start a node, you should use the following script. Don’t forget to change ‘<Your Node Name>’ by your node name. I will use test node.

git clone frontiercargo run --release --bin frontier-template-node -- \
--execution=Native \
--base-path ./data \
--chain ./specs/2021-04-22-spec-raw.json \
--port 30333 \
--rpc-port 9933 \
--ws-port 9944 \
--validator \
--telemetry-url 'wss:// 0' \
--name '<Your Node Name>' \
--bootnodes /ip4/

when building is finished, you should see your node in Polkadot Telemetry. You should wait untill node will be synced.

Official guide for configuring a node — link

Regards Alex (Telegram: @oxess, Discord: oxes#8647)

